Friday, January 30, 2015

Christmas adventures continued...

I was fortunate enough to spend a weekend with my fellow YAGMs celebrating Thanksmas (Thanksgiving/Christmas).

And what else do you have to eat on Thanksmas than hamburgers, coleslaw, and pumpkin cookies!

Good eats

Yay food and fellowship! Merry Christmas!

The whole team together including Ashlyn who couldn't be there physically but was able to skype in.

Christmas party with co-workers Torben, Beth, and Daisey

Silly pose 

Playing Mary twice in one Christmas season is hard work. Sometimes Mary needs a coffee break too.

I got to pet a real reindeer!

Baby reindeer!!!

Had Chestnuts roasting on an open fire for the first time. Quite nice. Oddly enough tastes like a mix between a potato and popcorn.

Ice skating with my host family

Christmas Eve dinner...tacos!!

Christmas Eve at church

Christmas Day dinner

After presents my host sister prepared a Christmas quiz. It was neck in neck until the last round where host mom Claire took the lead and won.

Watching the Queens annual Christmas speech.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hi everyone! Happy New Year! Here is are some pictures of my adventures in the month of December.

Going to get the Christmas tree with my host family

deciding on the tree

putting the star on my host families tree this year

Playing Mary in Christmas Through the Keyhole 

Nativity selfie

Joseph and the wiseman on their coffee break

One of our churches held a walk through nativity for school children called Christmas Through the Keyhole. The children came to the church and decorated biscuits, did a craft and then followed a star on a journey through the Nativity story. They started out in this room, on a modern day Christmas Eve in a living room with presents and the family snoring loudly upstairs. They were asked what Christmas was really about?

The keyhole biscuits for children to decorated

Next the children followed a star

Their first stop was Mary's house but she wasn't there. An angels voice appeared and told the children the great news that Mary was to have a son who would become the savior of the world and she had gone to Bethlehem with soon to be husband Joseph. 

Next the children found the shepherds fields and even though you could hear the sheep in the fields, the shepherds weren't there either. It was really strange because the Shepherd handbook says the #1 rule of being a shepherd is not to leave your sheep! Where could the shepherds have gone?

Then the children found the wise men's observatory where the wise men had spotted a star prophesied in their ancient scrolls that would mean a king was born. The children just missed them as the wise men were on their way to see where the star would lead them.

The children also came across Josephs carpentry shop where they found a note saying why Joseph had to take Mary and the baby to Bethlehem. 

After a really long journey where the children had to stop for food, rest because the donkey was tired, and other problems of a long journey, they came to Bethlehem to the Inn where they thought their journey had ended. Unfortunately, as the grumpy innkeeper told them, there was no room in the Inn and if the children wanted to stay they would have to sleep outside in the stable with the other couple who arrived a few days ago.

Finally the children found Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds, and the Wise Men and they had all found the baby Jesus who had been born and was lying in the manger.

My first mulled wine and mince pie.

Seeing the Christmas lights in London with friends David and Marianne.

                                                       Keeping warm with some hot coco

Christmas carnival in Leicester Square (pronounced Lester)

Mince pies everywhere!

Found a Five Guys in central London!!

Covent Garden

Big tree from far away...

...from close up. (me hugging the tree)

Christmas tree in Trafalgar Square donated each year by Norway

haha I've only seen signs like this in movies