Friday, July 25, 2014

Here are some pictures. The first one is this years group of YAGM's. The second picture is the twelve of us going to the UK.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

So, the blog is up...which means I am finally free to write about this experience. I will start by saying thank you to all of you for supporting me! I haven't even gotten to England yet and I already feel like the journey is well underway. I can't tell you how excited I am for this experience. It has been something I have wanted to do since I was young and it just feels like the right time in my life to do it. I am so thankful to the ELCA and the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program for giving me this opportunity.

Over the next year I will be living in Streatham, England with Pastor Rob Powell and his wife at their vicarage next to the church (St. James). I will be working in the church,as well as in other churches in the community, with children,young adults, and a variety of other groups. I anticipate my blog being mostly about my experiences with the English culture and my faith journey through the St. James church community. Here's to a hopefully intriguing and entertaining blog.(that's free of spelling and grammatical errors as possible :D) Cheers!