Sunday, May 31, 2015

Hello all! I am well into my ninth month in the UK. Time is starting to fly by now. I can't believe tomorrow is June! As my time comes closer and closer to ending, I feel that I get more and more busy running around and taking it all in. It is a good busy though and I've found I feel a sense of comfort and content during this time in my journey. It is a nice place to be in, where I know home and reconnecting with loved ones is nearing but I am still able to be here in a different country continually having new and miraculous experiences. Over the last month or so I have continued to have new and unexpected adventures here in the UK. Pictures below..

Had a ladies day out at the church learning how to make flower arrangements.

My traditional table centerpiece arrangement :). Not bad for my first try.

My host sister hosted a Murder Mystery Dinner at our house. It was the first one I'd ever been to and it was fantastic fun!!

Finished another bulletin board for one of my weekly groups.

I learned how to sew bunting at our Friday night youth club!

The new royal princess was born last month. I thought it would be fun to go that Saturday to see if I could catch a glimpse.

Four hours later I got to catch a pic of all three! (apologies for the parking sign in the way...but what can you do). 

Found this outside the church in the bushes one day when I was picking up litter...

The ever growing wall collage in my room of memories from this year.

Went to a quiz night at a local primary school one night last week. Despite my American disadvantage I was able to help quite a bit and even with the question..What US State comes last in the alphabet...Wyoming!

Friends David and Marianne dressed as Heisenberg from Breaking Bad and Bat Girl, why?.....

Because we got to go to London Comic Con! It was my first time and I was so excited to get to go while in London! San Diego here I come next year!!

I also got to go on holiday this past week to Barcelona, Spain for some sunshine and relaxation! We visited La Rambla, Sagrada Familia Cathedral, Park Guell, and various other places including the Mediterranean coastline :).

I went with these three lovely ladies Anastasia, Catie, and Elie, all fellow UK YAGM.