Friday, September 19, 2014

Hello everyone! My apologies for taking so long to write a post. I have been very busy learning about my new community and church in London. I hope all of you are well. It has been a great few weeks since I last wrote. Since my last post, I have moved to my new host community, started working at my volunteer placement at St. James Anglican Church, and am now at my first Time for God conference of the year. After about a week and a half filled with arriving in the country, sightseeing, and getting acclimated to the country, I moved to South London where I have been staying with a lovely couple from the church who have been gracious enough to let me eat, sleep, and carry on in their house for the last two weeks. So far, these two have put up with my increasing appetite at mealtimes (and throughout the day), my continuous questions about life in the UK, my ceaseless stories about life in America, my childlike enthusiasm for everything British, and my periodic melancholy when missing my family.

In my first week with my temporary host family, my second week in the UK, I was shown around the community and church where I would be living, I was introduced to many people, and got my affairs in order for the coming year. I was introduced to typical British foods and public transportation, as well as BBC news and British slang words. I got the chance to receive a locals tour of Central London and day trip to the southern coast of England.

In my second week at my placement, third week in the UK,  I started working at my placement and getting acquainted with the volunteers and age groups I would be working with this year. I met even more wonderful people, and began to become apart of the great youth work and community outreach this church is doing in it's community. St. James is certainly a great church with it's head in the right direction when it comes to friendship/servant style evangelism and inclusion of all people in the love of Christ.

In my fourth week in the UK, I left my placement to attend the Time for God (my volunteer program in the UK) conference in Northern London where I met other volunteers from around the world including Hungary, Germany, Sweden, and Russia. Here, I learned about the challenges and blessings that come with living in a foreign culture, types of churches and spirituality in the UK, how to be a  youth worker in the UK, and much more. Within four days, I have begun to develop friendships that I know will last a lifetime. The people in the Time for God program, regardless of where they come from in the world, are a unique group of people who share an indescribable bond that becomes recognizable upon introduction to one another. A phenomenal experience if I do say so myself.

This Sunday, I will have been in the UK for one month. It has only been 31 day but my goodness how my life has changed already. I have met so many wonderful people that have only begun to touch my life the way they undoubtedly will this year. I have seen and experienced so much of London and England but haven't even begun to tap into the vastness of this gorgeous, ancient country. I have also discovered so much of myself in this short period of time and have renewed a lost connection with God that is already beginning to change my life. I can't imagine where this year is going to take me, only that it is going to take me to unexpected and wonderful places. This is really just proof that when you put your life in God's hands and really let him take the lead and trust where he tells you to go, amazing things will happen. Truly!

I hope that as I get a little more settled and can find a set time each week to share my experiences with you, I won't go as long a time between posts. I have so much to share and I hope that time and typing will allow me to do that. Until then though, just know friends and family that God has put me on an amazing path that is changing the entire foundation of who I am for the better. Below are some pictures from the above mentioned events.

My new temporary accommodations 

My new kitty friend

A locals tour of London

Avocado Toast..mmhmmm.

Bubbly :)

Delicious Belgium spread. Tastes like honey and cinnamon graham crackers. 

How Italians do a Mocha!

Oh that building..that's just where Charles Dickens lived...

Market in Covent Garden in London

Covent Garden


I took this picture for my friend Nick Taylor who performed in this play in the States...who knew it was that popular!

The famous Carnaby Street

A morning overlooking the South Coast of England/English Channel. It's there I promise.

Representing the neon.

Gorgeous scenery 

These hills are called the Seven Sisters. They are a continuation of the White Cliffs of Dover. Dover is the closest point in the English Channel to France. The hills are white because they are made out of a chalky substance.


A better view later on in the day.

Decided to go for a nice, soft, grassy walk.

Fanciest Starbucks I've ever seen...

Watching the Promenades on TV 

On a bus into London for evening worship

A little treat after evening service...I could get used to this!

In a shop called Cool Britannia

London... night

TFG conference time!

Oh you see that building over there that looks like Lara Crofts house...that's just our conference center...

You really can't get anymore British than this!

Time for God (TFG) love

Sitting down for afternoon tea (a very fancy and beloved event in England). Countries represented in this picture...England, Russia, Sweden, Hungary, and America (me).

Silly German boys.

A proper English afternoon tea

YAGM/USA represent!

Judith from the UK and I

Our wonderful TFG group. Much love!

...and silliness.

Nora from Hungary. When I met this woman I felt as if our souls had known each other forever. 

Nora, Me, and Vick

Johann and Tilman

Just a reflection in a window...A moment in time in a city of timeless existence 

1 comment:

  1. I am so enjoying this blog! I love you and I am so happy for you!!
